Yesterday we were in Arlington (US), just outside Washington DC and home of the famous FBI Pentagon building.
In The Ritz Carlton, the PostalVision 2020 conference was held. An annual conference, organized by postal veteran John Callan. It attracts many of the large postal operators and parcel couriers from around the world.
Thanks to the Postal Innovation Platform, organized by Bernhard Bukovc, held during the PostalVision 2020 conference, we had the opportunity to pitch in front of this important crowd.
How the pitch went, can be seen in the video.
Afterwards, a jury, existing out of Thierry Golliard (Swiss Post), Olaf Klargaard (Geopost), Karlijn Krol (PostNL), Gary Reblin (USPS), Farzin Shadpour (PlugandPlay) and Elmar Toime (Postea Group), got to ask questions and debate the pitch. The eventual purpose was to win the pitching contest. Even though we lost from ZigZag, we were really pleased to get a chance to speak in front of such an audience.
Next to the pitching event, we were also given a very interesting and deep insight in the postal and parcel industry and the challenges it has to face. We hope these organizations will now start to see new possibilities thanks to the Slimbox.